Info Site Intake Form
Basic Business Info This section will gather information about your business.
Please list your store location(s) here in the following format: Full Street Address, City, ST, ZIP. One entry per row. Please also include an email address that we can associate with each location to receive contact inquiries, should you choose to include a contact form on your website. This can be a store-specific email account, or an email of someone at the store who will respond to contact inquiries.
Full Store Address (Street, City, ST, ZIP)
An Associated Email Address
Store Phone Number
Link to the store's facebook page, if one exists.
Website Domain Info This section will gather information relating to your website domain.
Do you already own a website domain that you want to use for your website?
Please enter 2-5 potential website domain names that would be acceptable to you, in order of preference. We will check them in order of your preference and purchase the first available one. One entry per row.
How do you want to handle the administration of your domain?
Please copy and submit the following information to your IT manager: Hello, the following are DNS entry requirements for our new website service with The Van Leuven Company. You can make these changes immediately, in which case the website build will be carried out our the domain itself behind a "Coming Soon" page, or you may make these changes immediately prior to launch to minimize website downtime (we will notify you when this approaches) and the website build will be completed on an external staging domain.
Whatever your choice, please inform & when these changes are made, and provide contact information for getting in touch with you and any other domain administrators.
Set A Record Value:
Add CNAME Record: "www " points to "[ ]"
Important: Please also create and send delegate access credentials for the domain registar account so that The Van Leuven Company has direct access to the DNS records at all times. Ensure 2FA is not required for this account, or tether the 2FA to
Post launch, we will also send you DNS records for adding the website to a Content Delivery Network (CDN), so please have someone ready to receive those when they come.
Thank you!
Are you able to unlock your domain through your domain registrar and provide a domain transfer authorization code to us, or do you need our support in this process?
No worries, we can help! Please provide the name, email address & phone number of the person from your business who will be working alongside The Van Leuven Company to help transfer your domain.
Website Display Info This section will gather the information that will be displayed to your customers on the website about your offerings.
You will be guided through a series of questions about what pages you would like included on the website, based on the pages available in our standard informational website offering.
For your reference, as you go through these questions, you may wish to have our template upon which your website will be based pulled up in an adjacent tab. This way, you can see how the data that you will be providing will be displayed on your website. Your data, logo, and colors will be entered into this design.
Please be aware that this demonstration template includes sections for e-commerce, but those sections will not be included on an informational website (which is what you are now filling our information for). The sections relevant to e-commerce will be omitted, namely the shop pages, & the cart and checkout.
Here is the link to the template (opens in new tab, your progress will not be lost).
Here is the example of how we intend for your pages to look once the data has been entered (opens in new tab).
Store Departments In this section, please list your store departments, major departmental item categories and the major brands of each department.
Our team will fetch the images of brands you provide, and include the in-store images of shelves and merchandise (which you may optionally upload in the next section.)
We tend to recommend against including specific items or SKUs in the major item categories section due to the speed at which this information goes out of date, and rather, include only broad sub-categories of items.
For Lawn & Garden, for instance, that might be categories like fertilizer, potting soil, hand tools, pesticides, and so on.
Major brands might include Miracle-Gro, Scotts, etc.
In-Store Departments List
Department Title
Major item categories in this department
Major brands in this department
Storefront & Departments Photo Upload Below is an upload slot for photos of the exterior and interior of your store.
This is optional, and if you do not wish to take and upload photos, we will use only stock photos on the website.
We ask that you upload a single ZIP file with sub-folders for each department of your store, just like you've listed them above. Within each department's folder, please include all the images you wish to present on your website of that department.
The folder categorization is not fully necessary, but it will help your website be completed faster since our team will know where the photos belong. In all cases, a ZIP file must be uploaded and is the only file type that can be accepted by the uploader.
Here is a tutorial to create a ZIP folder (opens in new tab, your progress will not be lost).
We recommend a minimum of 2 photos per department, and a maximum of 12. If you wish to include exterior photos of the store, place those in their own folder, perhaps titled "Exterior" or "Outside".
Services If you offer services at your store (Ex: key-cutting, propane refilling, pet name tag engraving, local delivery services, etc), you may list those below.
Do you offer any services at your store(s)?
Services List
Service Title
Service Description
Events & Specials We can include pages for events and specials on your website if you like. Events would include activities such as educational workshops, webinars, or community events. Specials are time-based offerings or discounts on specific items for purchase, such as coupons, BOGO deals, etc.
Do you want to include an events page on your website? This can be added or removed later.
Do you have events in mind right now that you'd like to include, or should we just include the events page but leave it blank for now?
Events List
Event Title
Event Description. Include Start & End Date, Time, Location, and a basic description.
Do you want to include a specials page on your website? This can be added or removed later.
Do you have specials in mind right now that you'd like to include, or should we just include the specials page but leave it blank for now?
Specials List
Specials Title
Special Description. Include Start & End Date and basic info.
Staff Member Biographies Optionally, we can include a section on your website that features headshots and short bios for your company's employees.
If this option is selected, you will need to provide names, short bios, and headshot photos for each person. This can also be added later if you don't want to do it right now.
If you choose to include this page, when you upload headshots, make sure each image is named as the person's name, or else we cannot match the image to the employee. Ex: BradSmith.jpg.
Do you want to include a staff members page on your website? This can also be added or removed later.
Staff Member List
Staff Member Name
Position Title
Short Bio
Careers & Job Listings Optionally, we can include a section on your website that features open job positions and descriptions.
If this option is selected, you will need to provide a job titles and position descriptions.
Do you want to include a careers/jobs page on your website? This can also be added or removed later.
Careers List
Career/Job Position Name
Full-Time, Part-Time, Or Temp
Position Description & Requirements
"About" & Supporting Pages We offer the option for you to include an "about" page on your website to tell your company's story, as well as other optional supporting pages like Frequently Asked Questions, and a Google Reviews feed.
Would you like an "About Us" page on your website?
What would you like your "About Us" page to say? If you would like us to reword what you provide here, just make a note of that. You may provide bullet points or paragraphs.
Would you like a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page on your website? This can help cut down on redundant call or email volume if you commonly receive the same questions from different customers.
Please list out the questions, and their answers.
Would you like to showcase a feed of your 5-Star Google Reviews on your website? Note: We can only include this if you have a Google Business Profile.
Do you want to include an email contact form (Contact Page) on your website? This allows your customers to send email inquiries to your store email address(es) without exposing your email address(es) to the public.
Website Homepage We've included this section after the others, because the homepage references the other information you've provided.
For example, it can include an image slider at the top with links to other major pages, featured departments, brands, an "about us" snippet, and more.
Would you like to include 3, or 6 featured departments on the homepage? These will pull from the departments you provided data on earlier and feature them in a tile or card design with quick links to those categories. We offer 3 or 6 featured cards, because our design features a 3-wide row. We will also feature 3 of these in the image slider at the top of the homepage.
Would you like to feature 3 of your services? You must have listed at least 3 services in the service list section.
Would you like a featured brands section on the homepage that displays the logos of prominent brands you carry? If yes, you will need to include at least 6 brands.
Do you wish to include more than 6 featured brands?
Additional Featured Brands
Do you currently purchase a monthly email newsletter service from The Van Leuven Company? If yes, our website team will make sure to include a sign-up link on the homepage and in your website footer.
(Optional) Additional or Special Requests If you wanted something included on the website that wasn't covered anywhere else in this form, let us know down below.
We'll do our best to fulfill these inclusive of the build cost, but if we deem the request to be major or time intensive, we will reach out to you to discuss options and pricing.
Additional or Special Requests
Are there any other files you feel you need to provide us with? (PDFs, Word Documents, Spreadsheets, etc).
Payment Section Info You have the following options for payment when submitting this form:
1.) Pay Now via Credit Card - If you've not yet paid for this website by other means and you want to pay now, you may pay for your website via credit card through this form (payment is handled by a third party processor). You may pay half (our upfront minimum to begin work) or in full.
2.) Pay Later by Other Means - If you have not paid yet and you do not wish to pay right now, that's fine! You can still submit your information so our team has it on hand. We will hold your information until half or full payment is delivered by other means, at which point, work on your website will begin.
3.) Already Paid - If you have already paid by other means, just select that option below, and you will be able to submit your information. We'll double check to confirm we've got your payment once your submission comes in, and then we'll start working on your website.
Have you already paid for your website by other means? (Ex: Over the phone, mailed-in check, electronic payment)
Would you like to make your upfront payment for the website now?
Do you want to pay half (upfront minimum to begin work), or in full?
Info Website Half Payment
Price: $2,000.00
Info Website Full Payment
Price: $4,000.00
No payment items has been selected yet
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